It Happened! Somebody Touched My Hair!

A couple of days ago, my husband and I were out for lunch at a cafeteria style restaurant and I had just sat down to a tasty meal of baked chicken, greens, macaroni and cheese, and a roll. The waitress comes over to introduce herself to us and immediately starts telling me how much she loves my hair!I was flattered of course! I mean, who doesn’t love getting compliments on their hair?!

But then, it happened. She touched my hair! And it wasn’t just one of the normal pats or a one second pass at it. She put a whole hand in there and I could feel her finger tips on my scalp! Say what?! Yes she did! I didn’t know what to say, so I just smiled and said thank you. I don’t think she meant any harm, but it was just awkward. I usually don’t mind people touching my hair, but I do appreciate being asked. And if you touch someone’s hair, don’t go all the way to the scalp! Please and thanks!

I had read about this type of thing happening, but I just assumed that it wouldn’t happen to me. I read about other naturals being upset or telling the person straight up that they need to stop or they can’t. I guess in the moment, I just wondered what the toucher of my hair would think if somebody rubbed her hair like that! Simultaneously, I was questioning if my personal space had been violated.


  1. Oooooooo honey yes indeed ur personal space was violated…and in may ways…if i dont know u then u shouldnt be touching me ANYWHERE from head to toe…my expressions are crazy so i am sure she would have been aware of her wrong doing from my face alone…i hate to ask, but what was her race?? I mean its rude either way but i am just wondering

    • She was a black lady.She was wearing her hair straight, but it surprised me because she acted like she had never seen or felt a kink before!

      • Wowwwwww i was hoping u would have said another race…because u would just think that we (as a people) know better…thats really weird, but hey maybe she thought she would get a pass because u both were black..who knows…(shoulder shrug)

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